
Farm golden lotus
Farm golden lotus

farm golden lotus

Grows best in USDA plant hardiness zones 7-10 and prefers a warmer climate. It requires regular watering for consistent moist soil and will begin to bloom in mid-spring, often continuing to bloom until frost. The Golden Lotus prefers full sun to partial shade and does best in a variety of soils as long as they are well-drained soils. This banana tree is an ornamental plant, therefore it will not produce edible fruit. Its bloom color is golden yellow and its foliage is silvery-grey/green leaves with the texture of leather. The blooms on the Musella lasiocarpa banana tree resembles a large, lush lotus flower that can be grown both indoors in containers and outdoors in the ground. Li is among the last generation to live out one of China’s most ancient and widely practiced customs.For a unique addition to your landscape, the Golden Lotus banana tree will have passersby stopping to take a second at this beauty! It is native to living at 7,500 feet of elevation in the Chinese mountains of the yunnan province. Their experiences and feelings range from pride to resentment and anger. The women who have undergone the binding of feet come from different classes and family backgrounds. She had a wonderful husband and 7 children she told me none of this would be possible if she hadn’t had her feet bound. Looking back, Li, now a charming 93 year old great grandmother, is proud of her 3” golden lotus feet and of her life. The binding was an essential part of her life, she told me. The process was grueling and she remembers being unable to walk for a full winter. When she was eight, Li’s mother decided it was the time to begin the foot binding process. Traditionally the practice of binding the feet usually began at a younger age than eight but in rural families the process began later since they needed more help in the fields. As a girl, she would help her mother in the fields. It soon became a prerequisite for marriage. This was especially hard on the poor who needed help around the house or farm. While the practice of foot binding began as a fashion statement among the upper class, it eventually spread to all levels of society.

farm golden lotus

This gave the impression that the woman was wealthy and thus didn’t have to work. Foot binding began as a luxury among the rich: It made the women more dependent on others and less useful around the house.

Farm golden lotus