
How to add password in zip file
How to add password in zip file

how to add password in zip file

There are several ways you can encrypt zip file in Linux. Create password protected zip file using Nautilus file manager.

how to add password in zip file

Create password protected zip file in Linux command line.Command line steps are the same for any Linux distribution. I am using Ubuntu in this tutorial but you can use any Linux distribution that uses Nautilus (now called Files) file manager for the graphical part.

how to add password in zip file

Today, we’ll see how to create password protected zipped files in Linux, in both command line and graphical way. We have also seen encrypted text editor for Linux. We have seen how to password protect folders in Ubuntu earlier. Brief: This simple tutorial shows you how to create a password protected zip file in Linux both in command line and graphical way.

How to add password in zip file